This guide shows you the steps to deploy a self-hosted instance of Torqbit using Docker.
A virtual machine or laptop with atleast 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM
Supported operating systems:
- Windows 10+
- MacOS
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- CentOS
- Amazon Linux 2 or Linux 2023
Docker installed and running. Choose one of the following options
Option 1
Login to your virtual machine and run the below command to install docker enginecurl -fsSL | sh -
Option 2
Install Docker Desktop (opens in a new tab) -
OS with bash scripting enabled (Ubuntu, Linux AMI, macos). Windows systems need to have gitbash (opens in a new tab)
User context used must have access to docker services. In most cases, use sudo su to switch as root user.
Use the terminal (or gitbash) window to run all the future steps.
Steps to install
Clone the project
git clone && cd torqbit
Setup environment variables
Update the docker.env
file to with the correct values as described below
Enable Login with Google OAuth
- GOOGLE_ID: Set the Client Id for the Web Application.
- GOOGLE_SECRET: Set the Client Secret
Enable Login with Github OAuth
- GITHUB_ID: Set the Client Id for the Web Application.
- GITHUB_SECRET: Set the Client Secret
Launch Torqbit on Docker
Run the docker-compose
as shown below to start mysql and torqbit web service.
$ docker-compose up
web-1 | ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:8080
web-1 | info - Loaded env from /opt/torqbit/.env
The service should now be accessible at http://localhost:8080